I have had a boatload of coaching sessions since the Corona chaos went full throttle. Some folks are centered. Some folks are suffering. Centered looks like: continuing meaningful work, contributing to neighbors and communities, resetting homes to accommodate the “new normal” of office space, finding time to invest in new low-tech past times, connecting with others virtually, etc. Suffering looks like: glued to the news all day, spreading worry through hourly poll statistics to all who will listen, bashing local government and community decisions, overstocking homes with paranoia paper products, isolating from emotional exhaustion.
Of course there’s a lot of grey area in between – but generally, the difference between the two groups? In my opinion, it’s priming. There is so much energy flying around right now that it is mission-critical to take time and space to prime yourself for each day. Many of us who are highly empathic need to prime several times a day.
What do I mean by priming?
The way you wouldn’t paint a wall without priming it first or start a project without a plan or blueprint first or take a trip without carving out an itinerary first – you can’t start your day during this season of our lives without setting your intention and steering your consciousness in the right direction – first. Period.
Priming doesn’t need to be complicated. It can be a simple gratitude practice, a few minutes of journaling, a family meeting, a prayer, a meditation, a few deep breaths, an inspiring piece of music. Priming is a chance to set the course of your day in the direction you want it to go – while you are guaranteed to have turbulence and curveballs throughout the day. You need to anchor into something that is more important than your fear – something more important than societal angst – something more important than this period of collective chaos.
Many folks have asked about my personal priming ritual. Click audio file above for ideas.
This is a 10-minute guided practice with tips, ideas, and recommended flow for how to think about authoring the shape of your day. I cannot overemphasize the difference I see in people who are doing this and those who aren’t. Those who prime are grounded, calm, and peaceful right now. Those who don’t are anxious, getting sick, and even teetering around depression.
Please take care of yourself. The first five minutes of your day can serve as your anchor. Share this audio with whoever can use some guidance – let’s continue helping one another remain grounded and centered through the storm. This too shall pass.